Dear friends...
Here is a quick story of what's going on with Gabby.
On fathers day she woke up limping.. weird as the night before she was absolutly fine... by the afternoon the limping was more obvious and we didnt find any bruises or bumps or anything we could identyfy as possible cause for it.
Gabby never shows signs of pain and never complains... So when she gets hurts we know by her actions. It sucks when your kid cant speak and tell you < mommy it hurts> and you cant do anything about it...
So Monday when we saw the limping more pronunced we went to the ER instead of going to her regular pedi. ( thinking we gain some time in case they need Xrays...)
Sure enough X Rays were done (12 sets) and bloodwork (4 vials) 7 hours at the hospital later the doctor suspected of A virus but looking at her X rays she also saw something abnormal on top of her right knee.
there wasnt anymore she could do... and send the info to our regular Pedi.
He called next day and said he wants to get a study on that abnormal thing... and he made an appointment for us to see an ortho specialist...
She got an MRI yesterday under anesthesia... and the results are inconclusive as they cant figure out what it is...
Only that is in her bone and to be able to "see it" they need a CT scan and possible a Biopsy...
Meaning 2 more anesthesia times... 2 more runs to the hospital ( we are 2 hours away) and long waits for the specialist...
I dont mind the waiting.. but you can imagine... Its not easy for Gabby..... it is stressfull, mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting....
BUT... Gabby doesnt complain... she was there yesterday since 5 am.... getting her IV on and not a sound....
This kid is a strong warrior.
She knows she is in good hands
she trust us to make the best desicions for her
She loves us so much
So yeah I'm nervous..
But I'm a strong believer that she will be fine. and God will protect her and make everything well..
We might have to face a hard time soon... but I will be strong for her.
Thanks for all your love and concern.
I do apreciate that you take the time to check on us....
I'll post more as we go.