
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 3... Acceptance

One of the hardest things we deal with when we hear the diagnosis of Down Syndrome is acceptance.
and pretty much we fear about the fact that our lifes will be different no matter what. We get scared, we get mad, we get angry, and then... out of no where we find peace.

Once Aceptance enters in our hearts we deal with everything Down Syndrome comes with. It has to come in our hearts first. We accept our kids as they are. and that goes for every kid that comes to this world.
The moment we accept them,we fill pride, joy, and most important LOVE.
Down Syndrome never has defined my girl. She has been unique since the moment we had her in our minds and then we were able to have her in our arms.
She has been that amazing gift everyone talks about. She has been perfect for us, Diagnosis and all.

We had accepted  since the begining that she is different and we fight for her rights, and we understand her limitations, but we encourage to reach higher every time.

We are heartbroken when we see achivements other peers have and we still are working to get there, We find comfort with other families like us who struggle and walk our same path.
and yes.. we are accepted there too.

Its more than an extra chromosome. Its a whole different life. and Its ours.

We pray that more and more people understands her and kids like her. That she is loved and cared for, and she is.

We find ourselves surounded by amazing family and friends who are beyond loving. We discovered everyday something new.

we never have a dull day!.

and i know there is more to come....

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