
Thursday, April 10, 2014


YIKES>>>> just typing it makes me cringe...

Who in the world likes it.... Oh well ok the Phlebotomy's do.. because they get paid to do it.. they probably have fun seen our faces while they show us those needles....

But to get the blood work ??? OMG... most "brave" people... look the other way... bite their lips, pretend nothing happens and yet when the needle pinches you and goes into your skin.....

you JUMP... come on!!! you do!!!!

But guess what?? Gabby doesn't care...

Today we went to get blood work done and she just had water before going as it has to be with empty stomach to get as accurate as possible....
but she totally understood where were we going, and what we needed to get done...
to many she didn't cry in the waiting room (most kids freak out just to step there) and she was calm watching her movie on her Ipad.
so I went and register her and she came with me grabbed a pen and wanted to sign in herself... So I gave her a paper to do it...
She scribbled something and I handed it to the nurse.... (she was nice enough to "read" it) and tell her directly thank you and I'll call you in a minute.

So Miss Sue came out of her room....
She is a tough cookie.... and let's leave it like that.

So Gabby goes to her room and sees "THE CHAIR"..... but she hands me her Ipad and climbs up alone...
and extended her arms and hands....

Miss Sue and I were just staring and looking at each other.... (What??? she wants to do it alone???)
she turns to me and ask... are you sure mom???

What should I do???

So I said... well.. let's try... she seems to want to do it by herself....

So she proceeded to get her ready... and Gabby was watching the whole thing....

So she went for the needle and ZAP.... there it goes.... Gabby didnt jump... didnt move, didnt make a sound,...
she waited and watched the whole thing.....

HOLY COW.... She did it !!!

waited for her band-it and walk out like nothing....

Did that just happend????

Well it did....

See ??? amazing every day.....

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